kris knits (and sews, and crochets, …)

November 1, 2004

Can-Can Costume

Filed under: sewing — Kristin @ 6:51 pm

After making a very simple pillow, I decided to jump right in and make my Halloween costume this year.   And I gave myself less than 2 weeks to do it.  It probably ended up taking me about 40 hours to finish this thing.  I got up early to work on it before work, and when I got home from work, I stayed up late to work on it too.  I was working on it right up until 5 minutes before I went out Friday night.  I had just enough time to snip all the long threads and put it on before meeting friends for a party.  I got to wear it to a party Saturday too, and Sunday to the Henri David Costume Ball, which was tons of fun.  I have a feeling I will be making another complicated costume for the ball next year.  This is the Simplicity 9899 pattern.  I got all of the fabric at JoAnn’s.

Can-Can Costume  Can-Can Costume  Can-Can Costume  Can-Can Costume

October 19, 2004


Filed under: sewing — Kristin @ 5:48 pm

This is the first thing I made in my Machine Sewing Basics class that I took at Temple from September 21st until tonight.  Not complicated at all, but it got me in the habit of using my sewing machine: a Singer Touch-Tronic 2001 Memory Machine.  I actually got the machine in January but haven’t used it up until now.  My teacher for this class was great: Gail Gaines.  I like the fabric for this pillow a lot.  It’s from a remnant I got at Stapler on 12th and Walnut.  The buttons match pretty nicely, stripes and everything.  I got them at Karlin’s on 8th and Filbert.  I have enough fabric to make another one so I probably will eventually.


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