general updates

My Women, Crime & History class is going to be really interesting. We had a huge discussion about Alice Clifton today. We have to visit the archives and we’re doing a field trip to Eastern State. My research paper is probably going to focus on the 1920s. Big surprise, right?

Last weekend was really fun. Great parties Saturday and Sunday night. This Friday I’m going to go visit Nichelle before heading home for Easter.

I finally did my taxes and actually have a decent amount of money coming back. Enough for a month’s bills.

Friday during the day WiCS is going to the Google offices in NYC with Penn’s WiCS so that should be pretty cool. We also just got oficially recognized so we could try to get money from Drexel. AND we just got money from a corporate sponsor. Black and Decker of all places. Go figure.

My car is fixed. I probably shouldn’t say that though because now something else will break.

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