I’m signed up to take the Basic Rider Course on the last weekend of March. My plan is to start getting gear ahead of time and then find a good used bike in April. I’m thinking a HD Sportster 1200. I was planning on the 883 but I’ve been told that when riding with others it’s hard to keep up. Also I just got a book called Breaking the Limit about a woman who rides from Jersey to Alaska and back on her Sporty 1200. And I’m easy to convince. Plus I can see the value of getting a bike that I’ll be happy with much longer as opposed to buying something as a starter and then having to get another one in a year or two. Of course I’m still open to other non-Harleys as well but it would have to be a great deal to win me over.

I spoke to my landlord yesterday and he is in the process of getting bids for reroofing the house and shed, and also plans to add another door to the shed so we (myself and the downstairs tenants) can use it. He said he’ll make my side big enough for a bike. I had been looking at enclosures like the Bike Barn and Cycle Shell (mainly for winter storage) but then it’s still very obvious that you have a motorcycle. Much better to have it in the shed and out of sight completely.

I’ve probably mentioned this before but a website with great information on it for women riders is VTwin Mama. Check it out.

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