Arrested Development

Can I just say what a hilarious show this is? When it was actually on TV I never watched it, despite my roommate watching it every week and loving it. I finally watched it on Hulu a few months ago and loved it so much I had to get it on DVD, which just arrived today. The show just gets better watching it again since I probably missed half the jokes from laughing so much the first time. The actors are all perfect in their parts and the running jokes throughout the whole series make it even funnier. I’m actually glad I didn’t watch it on TV though because I would have been super pissed when it was canceled. I know my roommate was. Supposedly a movie is in the works but I feel like movies made from TV shows don’t turn out all that well. It sounds like all the original people have signed on though so maybe.

“That’s what you do when life hands you a chance to be with someone special. You just grab that brownish area by its points and you don’t let go no matter what your mom says.”

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