Author Archives: Kris


Last year I made a million pies. This year I’m all about the breads. Apple Breakfast Bread Downeast Maine Pumpkin Bread Banana Cranberry Bread Blueberry Orange Bread Spiced Banana Bread Strawberry Pineapple Bread Pear Bread Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal Bread Zucchini Pineapple Bread I guess these breads are more like cakes but boy are they good. […]

True Blood

I’ve really been enjoying HBO’s new True Blood series. I wasn’t sure I would from the initial previews but I’ve liked Anna Paquin in other movies and I love Louisiana so I decided to check it out any way. I told my mom about it after seeing it since she likes vampire books and movies, […]

Iron Jawed Angels

I recently saw Iron Jawed Angels and I can’t say enough good about it. Fantastic movie and I’ll be buying a copy for my younger sisters. I won’t bother describing it, just go watch it. Inez Milholland, 1913 “I said she was prepared to starve to death in order to further her cause.” “Okay, I’m […]

first long(ish) bike trip

Well I did my first long(er than a weekend) bike trip – five days but only a little over a thousand miles. I ended up spending more time visiting family and friends than I did riding. I went out to central PA then up to central NY before coming back home to NJ. Only about […]

fun link

Things My Girlfriend and I Have Argued About – I obviously missed the boat on this one since the writer’s had four books published since the website but it’s hilarious. Seriously laugh out loud funny. Lord knows I enjoy arguing about the most ridiculous things. Case in point: On a phone call with my brother […]

more bookpiles

Well I went back and redid the original bookpile to include the missing title. The additional book, Biblioholism: The Literary Addiction, I got a few years ago at a used bookshop in West Philly. I had lost my mind as usual when walking into a bookstore and, conveniently forgetting I was broke, filled my arms […]


I’m still just as obsessed with LibraryThing as when I discovered it two years ago. If you haven’t checked out the site before, you really should, because it’s fantastic. I get so much pleasure out of cataloging and tagging and talking about my books, I really should be a librarian. They recently hit 30 million […]

American Borders

I’m currently reading American Borders by Carla King. The woman rides around the borders of the United States on a Ural (cool looking Russian sidecar motorcycle). I can’t get enough of books like this and it makes me want to quit my job and ride around the country for a few months. Of course, not […]