Up on Cripple Creek
I keep watching The Last Waltz.
I keep watching The Last Waltz.
I just found out today that my grandfather had a 1965 Honda Dream. He still has it in pieces laying around the garage. My uncle started to restore it about 20 years ago before he got sick. I would love to be involved in restoring something like that. 1960s bike styles are my favorite.
I found an apartment yesterday. It was posted on craigslist around noon, I saw it and called around 1, went to look at it at 2, and it was mine. It’s the top of a cute old Victorian. It has a deck, 2 parking spaces, and most importantly, a washer and dryer! I’m going to […]
There are a bunch of fraudulent charges on my credit card. They called me because of some suspicious activities just to verify that I didn’t make the charges, and now I’m waiting for a call back to go over everything in more detail. How do they determine that a charge is suspicious? Is it because […]
Response to killings show Hokie spirit
There was a benefit last night for Sean McQuade, the boy from my high school who was injured at VT. It was at the Dippy’s Ice Cream in Mantua. They donated 10% of the proceeds, and the girls who work there donated their time and all of their tip money. You couldn’t get parking anywhere […]
I recently ran across some motorcycle video blogs by a Canadian guy living in Taiwan. He’s got a helmet cam he uses to record different rides, also does some funny stuff. Some videos: Bikers like to Wave A True Biker – ATGATT Ride through mountains / techno more here: http://livevideo.com/mordeth13
I’ve been looking at bikes again. With the gorgeous weather we’ve been having lately, there’s been tons of them out. Also my one friend and her boyfriend just got some (Ninja 250s). I have to buy a car this summer but I’m thinking I’ll get a bike next summer. I’ve been looking at the Vulcan […]
http://www.nbc.com/Video/rewind/full_episodes/30rock.shtml Liz Lemon is my hero.
Delicious recipes: Peach-a-Berry Pie Chicken Pot Pie — I finally saw all of Broken Trail. It was amazing.