Author Archives: Kris


Right now I’m taking a country western two step dance class. Next will be either swing or zydeco. I have to get ready for the Red Stick Ramblers at the Finger Lakes Grassroots Festival, where they’re playing in the dance tent two nights. I can’t wait for July. :) eta: Apparently the Grassroots Fest still […]

I want to cook more

Irish Bananas Irish Chicken & Dumplings Glazed Corned Beef Bumbleberry Pie Raspberry Topped Lemon Pie Ham-Stuffed Manicotti Three Cheese Chicken Bake I could keep going… lets you change the number of servings and it calculates new amounts for you. Not hard to do on your own but a neat feature. They don’t change the […]


I have too many unfinished projects. I don’t have time to do much with school, but I don’t let that stop me from getting materials for and starting new things. I’m going to make myself a goal of finishing everything I’ve started within a year of graduating. That may or may not be possible. I […]

words of wisdom

“The internet is going to destroy the world one day, and you don’t want to get touched by a child molester while it does.” – My brother’s view of the internet / meeting someone from the internet. Because everyone on the internet molests children, and so would be coming after me, a 22 year old.


I watched my cousin and her fiancé run in the Philadelphia Marathon this morning. It was really cool to be down there seeing everyone come in. I knew what their approximate times would be so I went to the finish line in front of the Art Museum about half an hour before that, just in […]


I am making apple butter in my crockpot right now and it is making my apartment smell so wonderful.


I’ve been listening to a lot of Old Crow Medicine Show. I won’t subject you to more youtube, but they’re all over it. They just played at the TLA last month so I missed them. Whenever I start listening to someone new, it turns out they’ve just played in Philly in the past month. That’s […]

I love tango

“El Tango de Roxanne” (Moulin Rouge) Pierre and Morgan (Take the Lead) Sasha, Ramos and Danjour (Take the Lead) “The Tango Maureen” (RENT) What are some other tango scenes?

more videos, yay

Since I’m apparently on a youtube kick, here are some videos to end the day: Freedom I’m not really an Eminem fan but I absolutely loved this video when it came out.