kris knits (and sews, and crochets, …)

March 4, 2007

Panta #2

Filed under: knitting — Kristin @ 6:08 pm

I made another Panta for Kelly’s birthday present. The yarn is Moda Dea Eclipse 60% extra fine wool / 40% nylon in Peri (2595), and it was knit on size US 5 needles. I altered it a little by only casting on 16 stitches.

Panta  Panta

February 27, 2007


Filed under: knitting — Kristin @ 11:34 pm

I made Fetching for Laura’s birthday present. The yarn is Moda Dea Eclipse 60% extra fine wool / 40% nylon in Linen (2551). I had to do several modifications to get them small enough to fit her 6″ wrists. I used size US 5 needles. I also only cast on 40 stitches (instead of 45), which got rid of one cable repeat around. I did a 3″ thumb gusset instead of following the pattern’s thumb instructions.

Fetching  Fetching

February 18, 2007


Filed under: knitting — Kristin @ 1:27 pm

I made Ruby for Haley. The yarn is Lion Brand Microspun 100% micro-fiber acrylic in Ebony (153) and Lily White (100), and Patons Brilliant 69% acrylic / 31% polyester in Radiant Red (4942). They were knit on size US 3 and US 6 needles. I made the 3-6 month size and she’s 5 months old now. They look a little stretched in the picture because we tried them on over the socks she was already wearing.

Ruby  Ruby

I’m not sure how I feel about the finishing on these. I might redo it.

February 7, 2007


Filed under: knitting — Kristin @ 6:00 pm

I made Panta for me. It’s a Finnish pattern someone on Craftster translated. The yarn is Mountain Colors Bearfoot 60% superwash wool / 25% mohair / 15% nylon in Moose Creek, knit with 2 strands held together on US 5 needles.

Panta  Panta  Panta Swatch

February 3, 2007

Joanie’s Camera Case

Filed under: sewing — Kristin @ 8:21 pm

I finally made the camera case I promised my friend Joanie for her birthday 2 years ago. There was no pattern, I just got the measurements of her camera and went from there.

Camera Case

January 23, 2007

Besotted Hat

Filed under: knitting — Kristin @ 10:53 am

I designed Besotted Hat from a few different patterns to match the Besotted Scarf I just made.  It was knit with Lion Brand Wool-Ease Chunky 80% acrylic / 20% wool in Willow (173) on US 10.5 needles.

Besotted Hat

January 14, 2007

Besotted Scarf

Filed under: knitting — Kristin @ 10:30 am

I finished Besotted Scarf for me, using Black Oak Wool Company Fisherman 100% wool in Medium Sheeps Grey on size 8 needles. I made the whole thing without a cable needle. The pattern was very easy to get to know and I didn’t need it after the first couple of repeats.

Besotted Scarf  Besotted Scarf

January 7, 2007

Marzen Family Stockings

Filed under: crochet,sewing — Kristin @ 8:11 pm

I made these stockings for Amie and Andy based on stockings that my mother made, which were based on stockings her grandmother made. They are just flannel, felt, and Red Heart yarn.

Marzen Family Stockings

December 24, 2006

Aunt Theresa’s Stocking

Filed under: crochet,sewing — Kristin @ 8:34 pm

My aunt stayed with us for Christmas this year so I made her this stocking based on stockings that my mother made, which were based on stockings her grandmother made. It’s just flannel, felt, and Red Heart yarn. The pattern matches the pattern that my mom, myself and my little sisters have.

Aunt Theresa's Stocking

December 23, 2006

Rust Family Stockings

Filed under: crochet,sewing — Kristin @ 6:32 pm

I made these stockings for Lisa, Shaun and Haley based on stockings that my mother made, which were based on stockings her grandmother made. They are just flannel, felt, and Red Heart yarn.

Rust Family Stockings

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