Author Archives: Kris

I’m very graceful

I slipped on the ice yesterday, fell and sprained my elbow. The left one, of course. In case you don’t know, I have fallen and broken my left arm twice before. So this makes two and a half? The bone isn’t broken, just the ligaments. I actually fell mostly on my right side because I’m […]

I have a male brain

I took this BBC Science and Nature Sex ID quiz to see whether I had a male or female brain. I was kind of thinking it’d be more male since I’m a computer science major for one, but also because I don’t usually have a lot of the female drama thing going on that a […]


Driving home from a friend’s place in Willow Grove this morning, I ran into some traffic on North Broad. There were 2 cars stopped in front of me, while the other lane kept moving fine. The car directly in front of me managed to change lanes and go around and I was able to see […]


I’ve never been that into New Year’s resolutions, or even New Year’s for that matter. In fact, I slept through this year’s holiday since I was sick. I was more annoyed at missing the parties my friends were having than missing the ball drop / countdown / holiday thing. Any way I’ve decided that now […]

Eugenics and Sex Harmony

I came across this great book from the 1930s at a friend’s place last night. It’s incredibly funny. The sexism in it is just outrageous. One of the questions it addresses is “Are women human beings?”

Melody Gardot

I found Melody Gardot since she’s opening for James Hunter on New Year’s Eve. I probably won’t go to that since house parties are better for NYE – going out is so crowded and the prices for everything get jacked up. Any way she’s also playing at World Cafe Live this Friday so I might […]